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What is String Pool in java Programming?


What is String Pool in java Programming?

String Pool in Java is a pool of Strings which is stored in Java Heap Memory.

First of all, let us understand how exactly is a string object created!

How to create a string?
To create a String object in Java, there are two ways:

Using the new operator

For example,
String s1 = new String("Ravi");

Using a string literal or constant expression. 

For example,
String s1="Ravi"; (string literal) 

What is String Pool in Java?
String Pool is a storage area in Java heap.

String allocation, like all object allocation, proves to be a costly affair in both the cases of time and memory. The JVM performs some steps while initializing string literals to increase performance and decrease memory overhead. To decrease the number of String objects created in the JVM, the String class keeps a pool of strings.

Each time a string literal is created, the JVM checks the string literal pool first. If the string already exists in the string pool, a reference to the pooled instance returns. If the string does not exist in the pool, a new String object initializes and is placed in the pool.

How Does String pool work in Java?

When you create a new string like this:

String s1 = “Ranjan”;

JVM automatically checks if the same value exists in the string constant pool or not.

  1. . if yes, it occupies the already existing value.
  2. . If no, it creates a new string by itself and adds it to the string pool.
If you want to halt this behavior, create a string using new operator:

String s1 = new String("Ranjan")

Now, if you are willing to add this string to the string literal pool, Java provides you with a method called, intern() method; you can call native intern() method like this:


Now, I will show you the implementation and working of string pool through an example.

Note: As you know if you’re comparing 2 objects using ==  operator it compares addresses in the memory.

So we will compare the strings using ==  to be completely sure that it’s the same object or not.

Now let us grasp what happens here step by step:

  1. The class is loaded when JVM is invoked.
  2. JVM looks for all the string literals in the program
  3. First, it finds the variable s1 which refers to the literal “Apple” and it gets created in the memory
  4. A reference for the literal “Apple” is then placed in the string constant pool memory.
  5. Then it finds another variable s2 which refers to the same string literal “Mango”.
  6. Then it finds another variable s3 which refers to the literal “Apple”
  7. Now that JVM has already found a string literal “Apple”, both the variables s1 and s3 will refer to the same object i.e. “Apple”.


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