Python is one of those programming languages that has seen tremendous growth in its demand and popularity within the last 4-5 years. Whether we talk about the PYPL index, Stack Overflow, or any other platform – the language is ranking at the top positions among numerous programming languages. However, many individuals believe that these ranking changes frequently and there should be some relevant & valid reasons to learn and get started with Python!

This is somehow true as well – rather than solely focusing on the popularity and demand of a particular programming language, you should consider various other aspects also such as its features, learning curve, compatibility with other technologies, community support, etc. Also, you need to check whether the language is relevant and suitable to your career prospects or not.
we’ll let you know about 7 such major reasons that will clear all your concerns regarding why should you learn Python in 2021.
So, let’s get started:
1. Simplicity is the Key
When an individual looks forward to learning a new programming language, especially students – the very first thing that comes to his/her mind is that the language should be of easy to learn nature without any too complicated syntax or unusual rules.
And undoubtedly, Python gets 100 out of 100 in this parameter!
Python has a very simple syntax, almost similar to the English language, that makes it a beginner-friendly language. Due to the simple syntax and better readability aspect, the language is comparatively easier to learn. For instance, if you want to print ‘Hello World’ in Python, the code would be print(“Hello World”) – yes, it is as simple as that! And that’s perhaps the reason, the language is also being preferred by various schools and colleges as the first programming language to teach students. Also, you need to know that Python is a free, open-source, and high-level programming language.
2. Comes Up with Utmost Flexibility & Extensibility
Python provides you with much-needed flexibility, scalability, and extensibility. As it a cross-platform language, it works effectively on every platform whether it be Windows, Linux, or macOS. Also, you need to know that if you want to execute a Python code, that has been created for Windows, on Mac, or Linux – then you can do the same without any hassle. Python allows the developers to perform cross-language operations conveniently and can easily be integrated with Java, .NET components, or C/C++ libraries. Its highly extensive nature allows it to get extended to other programming languages effectively. In addition, as Python is an interpreted language, you do not need to compile your program before execution like Java or C++. Furthermore, it is a dynamically-typed language where you’re not required to specify the data type while declaration. Compared to other programming languages, Python is indeed a more flexible, portable, and extensible language.
3. Being Used with Almost Every Trending Tech Domain
- Want to get into Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning domain?
- Want to become a Data Scientist or Data Engineer?
- Want to make a career in Web Development or Game Development?
No matter in what trending domain you want to get the expertise or make a career – the chances are more that you’ll need Python throughout the journey. Big Data, Cloud Computing, AI & ML, Data Science, etc. are some of these technologies that are significantly dependent on Python. As per the reports, a majority of the tech professionals believe that Python is the most suitable language for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science in the present-day scenario. Moreover, you can do web development, web scraping, embedded systems development, etc. also with the help of Python. These technologies are using Python as a tool because of several prominent reasons such as robustness, rich library, better scalability, great community support, and various others.
4. Provides You with a Huge Collection of Libraries and Frameworks
Okay, so here comes one of the major advantages of Python – a huge collection of libraries and frameworks. The language leverages you with hundreds of prominent libraries and frameworks for Machine Learning, Data Science, Cloud Computing, Web Development, etc. It truly helps to make the development process much easier and efficient by accomplishing the required task with a few lines of code. From the developers’ perspectives, a huge standard library allows them to focus more on the main tasks that need to be done instead of struggling with the low-level things. In addition, it helps to reduce the development cost as well.
Some of the popular Python libraries and frameworks are listed below:
- For Data Science: NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, PyTorch, etc.
- For Machine Learning: Scikit-Learn, PyBrain, PyML, Tensorflow, etc.
- For Artificial Intelligence: NLTK, Keras, OpenCV, etc.
- For Web Development: Django, Pyramid, Flask, etc.
- For Network Programming: Asyncio, Pulsar, Pyzmq, etc.
5. Preferred for Scripting and Automation
Everyone knows that automation is the need of the hour and let us tell you that Python is indeed a great choice for scripting and automation. The language can be used to automate various mundane or repetitive tasks for better productivity and efficiency. As Python is an interpreted language, all you need to do is write the code in script format, and you can execute it directly. The error will be checked by the machine during runtime when the machine will read and interpret your code. Once the code will be checked for error, it can further be used multiple times. To make things much easier, there are a lot of tools and modules that come up with Python for various crucial automation tasks like web scraping, testing, etc. Some of the popular Python libraries and tools for automation are – Selenium Python, Robot framework, PyTest, Beautiful Soup, Automagica, and many more.
6. Backed By Huge Community Support
The growth and evolution of a programming language are very much dependent on its community support, documentation, and other related parameters. However, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced one, this open-source language provides you with huge and reliable community support to help you out with any problem or concern related to the Python language. Reports say that there are more than 8 million Python Developers actively present across the world. You can join various renowned communities such as Stack Overflow, GitHub, etc. where you’ll find plenty of Python programmers who are always ready to help the beginners.
Furthermore, there are various documents, guides, learning resources, etc available over the web to can help you to get started and work with Python conveniently. Perhaps, if you’re a beginner or haven’t got into the programming world yet – you probably would not consider this huge community support as an enriching feature, but it is for sure that you’ll enjoy this advantage the most once you’ll get ahead with Python in the future.
7. And yes, the Salary of Python Developers is Comparatively Higher!
Python is among one of the fastest-growing technology across the globe. As mentioned above, it is associated with numerous future technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Cloud Computing, Big Data, and many others – and that’s why the demand for Python developers is high in the tech world and subsequently, their salary is also comparatively higher than other developers. The average salary of a mid-level Python Developer is around 10-16 LPA in India. Also, if you acquire some other relevant skills such as Data Science, Machine Learning, etc. along with Python then it may go higher than that. Almost every IT giant whether it be Google, Facebook, Amazon, Uber, or any other is using Python for their respective platform or product. It also signifies that the future of Python is bright and the career opportunities for Python professionals will increase significantly in the coming times.
So, these are some of the major reasons (or you can say advantages) that you can consider getting started with Python in the year 2021. From Web Developer to Data Scientist to Machine Learning Professional – the language will open numerous career options for you once you’ll become proficient with it. Hence, from now onwards – stop searching for the reasons to learn Python instead start learning now and make the most out of it..!!